SCGF (SEDCO Capital Global Funds) is the biggest Shariah compliant SIF (Specialized Investment Fund) in Luxembourg.
SCGF (SEDCO Capital Global Funds) is the largest Shariah compliant SIF (Specialized Investment Fund) domiciled in Luxembourg.
We currently have one of the widest investment fund offerings within the Sharia fund industry than any other asset manager in the world.
We launched our first funds in 2012, under the supervision of SEDCO Capital.
We have been providing active investment solutions across an extensive range of capabilities, working with integrity and conviction.
Collectively we have Assets under management well in excess of $1 billion from institutions, family offices , SWF and endowments across the world.
SEDCO Capital global fund is regulated by the CSSF (Luxembourg)
We are structured as a family of funds and asset classes such as.
The investment objectives of each fund as well as the risks associated with investing in such fund are clearly outlined in the SCGF prospectus
SCGF funds are solely aimed at qualified investors, as described in the provisions of the law of 13 February 2007 relating to SIFs.
We aim to provide world class managed investment solutions integrating ESG and Sharia principles. We are signatories to the UNPRI and abide by the investing principles in our offerings.
We target institutional and high net-worth clients from all over the world and give them access to a variety of Shariah compliant asset classes on a single platform.
A Diverse Breadth of Investment Opportunities
The breadth of the SCGF platform is the largest Sharia fund offering in the world , this sets us apart from our competitors and ensures we are able to provide Sharia investors with true choice unlike at any-time in history.
Our philosophy remains to embrace our core essence of “Partnership” with our clients as well as continually innovating in line with the latest and most recent investment trends and identifying opportunities
SEDCO Capital’s investment philosophy is based on 3 solid principles that we make sure to include in all of our dealings: Ethical principles, diversity and partnership.
SEDCO Capital’s commitment to adding value to society by complying with Shariah and ESG investment principles is at the core of our philosophy; when an investment is recommended, we make sure that the value creation that our clients are going to benefit will not be at the expense of others. It is worth noting that this approach is in line with the first and famous fundamental theorem of welfare economics, formulated by the Economist Vilfredo Pareto (1848-1923) which defines the conditions to an efficient allocation of resources necessary to a sustainable economic development.
SEDCO Capital’s careful due diligence and selection processes implemented by our highly qualified team assures that each investment , whether in public equity, real estate, private equity or any other asset class, is bringing the maximum value to our investors. This means that our products offering is broad and innovative enough to be able to satisfy the risk and return appetite of any investor (Shariah-compliant or conventional).
The diversity of SEDCO Capital offering allows an investment portfolio allocation not only across many asset classes spanning the entire risk spectrum and covering all the regions of the world but also across several investment styles and strategies while implicitly considering the important transformations that the world is facing, bringing to SEDCO Capital approach a systematic forward-looking dimension.
Our final, yet all-encompassing principle of SEDCO Capital investment philosophy lies in the partnership concept. Indeed, we firmly believe partnerships create scale, reduce costs of doing business, provide increased negotiating power and get greater access to investment opportunities. This partnership model ensures transparency and establishes a full alignment of interest between SEDCO Capital and its clients creating lasting relationships, mutual trust and shared success. Furthermore, this model should also demonstrate, if necessary, that SEDCO Capital’s team is focused on sourcing and selecting the best investment opportunities worldwide without being distracted by fund raising activities supporting as well the strong alignment of interest between SEDCO Capital and its clients.